Tag: Sicky McSickerton

  • Bizarre

    Did you know that some people pay shady ladies and gentlemen good money to feel like this. Isn’t that amazing? Some people WANT to feel fuzzy, unfocused, slightly giddy, and off-balance. Have I got a deal for you. Come on over to the house and I will lick your tongue. Then you will be all…

  • Fate really IS cruel.

    Hey. So, last week I started sneezing like it was going out of style, and maybe it was; I don’t keep my finger on these trends that all the cool kids are into. Anyway, I did what I was susposed to: I took the ColdFX(tm), I ate the citrus fruit and the raw honey…and I…

  • This is True

    NyQuil sends dreams to me ofl’histoire: my first lovebroke my heart. He has it still. Well, not the WHOLE thing. Just that little flittery bit that I probably wasn’t using anyway. True story. That is all.

  • A Flu Season Quiz

    Q: What wakes up in the middle of the night and coughs so hard it pukes?A: The Nipper! Q: Who is the most likely person to get the Hamthrax (or any other flu) when The Nipper is coughing so hard he pukes, and when The Captain has a fever of 40 degrees?A: cenobyte! Q: Does…

  • How to Be a Conspiracy Theorist – Hamthrax version

    The truth of the matter is that even though there was an outbreak of what the government and the CDC called “Swine Flu” in the 1970s, the H1N1 virus that’s been declared a PANDEMIC by the World Health Organisation is actually a man-made virus. The original virus, which only really affected swine housed in overcroweded…