Q: What wakes up in the middle of the night and coughs so hard it pukes?
A: The Nipper!
Q: Who is the most likely person to get the Hamthrax (or any other flu) when The Nipper is coughing so hard he pukes, and when The Captain has a fever of 40 degrees?
A: cenobyte!
Q: Does looking up “Hamthrax” on the Intarweebs work?
Q: Is it great to be home with the Sicky McSickertons?
A: Yes, but it’s No Good when they’re this sick, with the constant coughery.
Q: Does the Hamthrax vaccine even work?
A: Well, the McSickertons aren’t dead, and don’t seem to be getting *dangerously* ill.
Q: But what about the vaccine being full of tracking bugs that government agencies can use to trace your whereabouts for EVER?
A: Um. Those are risks I’m willing to take.
Q: Haven’t you ever heard that vaccines cause autism?
A: I’ve heard that, yeah. I’ve also heard that all life on the planet was created 5,000 years ago, over a span of seven days. And that all life in the universe is going to end in 1,000 1666 2,000 2001 2012.
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.