Please excuse the nerd quotient in this post

a-LARPing he will go,
a-LARPing he will go,
Hi-ho the derry-o,
a-LARPing he will go.

He’ll play a yickky Nos,
he’ll play a yickky Nos,
Hi-ho the derry-o,
He’ll play a yickky Nos.

The cheese stands alone,
the cheese stands alone,
hi-ho the derry-o,
the cheese stands alone.

I could go on, about the Nos being the cheese, or how no one is actually the cheese; I just always rather favoured the cheese line, and always wanted to be the cheese when we played “The Farmer in the Dell”. Have I mentioned how much I love cheese?

Okay, so anyway, yeah. His Nibs is off playing …*sigh*… the LARP equivalent of herpes. Don’t get me wrong. I dearly love some of the people with LARP herpes. I don’t hold it against them. And I’ll still LARP with His Nibs afterwards; I’m pretty sure I’m immune. I was immunized a few weeks ago. It’s just that…i really, really don’t want to play Vampire. And there aren’t that many options at the moment if i do want to play something in the city.

So there. I’ve said it. Publically. Not on the suuuuuper seeecret blog, not just hand-waving and ranting in small groups.

I don’t want to play Vampire.

Check that. I’m willing to try **WARNING! EXTREME NERD MATERIAL FOLLOWS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.** New World of Darkness, depending on who’s running it and who’s playing. I freely admit that I am an elitist when it comes to gaming. Because this is my free time. I mean, I can have a good time doing just about anything (seriously, man. Peanuts in a cup. Most bestest entertainment EVAR), including stuff I don’t like. Mostly because I decided a long time ago that I’d much rather enjoy myself than not. Wow, that was weird to type. Was that as weird to read as it was to type?

What I mean is, rather than be at lagerheads (snicker) with the folks running the game and/or the other folks playing the game, it makes more sense to choose to participate in a game that doesn’t cause you stress. So by ‘elitist’, I guess I really mean ‘utilitarian’. But not in the sense of ‘utilitarian’ like crotchless pantyhose; I mean ‘utilitarian’ in the sense of ‘maximising happiness and/or minimising unhappiness’.

Crotchless pantyhose are the best thing since…erm…well…split crotch bloomers, I guess. Which in turn are the best thing since no underpants at all. Wow. How’d I get *here*?

No, I’m not standing here saying “neener neener; my game’s better than your game”, because a) I do not have a game; and b) well, really, I don’t have a game.

I just know what I don’t like. Um. And I’m comparing it to a venereal disease. Which is kind of douchey of me, I guess. Sorry about that.






7 responses to “Please excuse the nerd quotient in this post”

  1. Der Kaptin Avatar
    Der Kaptin

    “But not in the sense of ‘utilitarian’ like crotchless pantyhose; I mean ‘utilitarian’ in the sense of ‘maximising happiness and/or minimising unhappiness’.”

    Snort. Even a nerd like you should be able to see the flaw in this bit of tautology.

  2. Jim Avatar

    Back when, I’d written a song about oWoD Changeling, to the tune of the Tigger song. I do enjoy such little filks.

    I don’t anticipate that I will play Vampire again. I have before. I didn’t do a really good job. I think I know what I’d have to do to do better. I don’t want to do that. I would love to play Changeling- oWoD or N, and there are other nWoD games that interest me.

    I am amused that crotchless pantyhose falls under the category of EXTREME NERD MATERIAL. There’s always more for me to learn.

    But, uh, wait. You don’t have a game? I was under a different perception. I admit, though, that I am oft slow in picking up details.

    Oh, and I’m very impressed that you have chosen to enjoy yourself, and have been able to follow through on that decision. I find this awe-provoking.

  3. cenobyte Avatar

    Yes, well.


    Thank you for pointing that out.

  4. Parmeisan Avatar

    You missed a lot of awesome from the Exemplar game, which is a shame. But what’s up with you not liking Vampire? You *ran* one. In OWoD. Why?

    Aw, and your blog posts are back to the new format. :P

  5. cenobyte Avatar

    Parmeisan – the new format? Huh?

    Do you mean the comments? A couple of people were having serious porblems with the other format.

    Also, the reason I ran an oWoD Vampire game is because I was asked to run an ‘introductory LARP’ for FRAG. oWoD Vampire was the easiest thing to pull together on short notice (and it *was* short notice). I didn’t want to run Vampire. I would have preferred to run pretty much anything else. But I really had only about two weeks to pull it together.

    And really, that was the swansong….the “I’m’a give this one more try.”

  6. Viper Pilot Avatar
    Viper Pilot

    Oh Ceno, you are so very much one of my favourite apes.

    I’ll happily be utilitarian with you.

  7. Parmeisan Avatar

    Ah, I see. That makes sense.

    And yes, I did mean the comments section. I liked the other way, but I can put up with this if necessary. :D

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