a-LARPing he will go,
a-LARPing he will go,
Hi-ho the derry-o,
a-LARPing he will go.
He’ll play a yickky Nos,
he’ll play a yickky Nos,
Hi-ho the derry-o,
He’ll play a yickky Nos.
The cheese stands alone,
the cheese stands alone,
hi-ho the derry-o,
the cheese stands alone.
I could go on, about the Nos being the cheese, or how no one is actually the cheese; I just always rather favoured the cheese line, and always wanted to be the cheese when we played “The Farmer in the Dell”. Have I mentioned how much I love cheese?
Okay, so anyway, yeah. His Nibs is off playing …*sigh*… the LARP equivalent of herpes. Don’t get me wrong. I dearly love some of the people with LARP herpes. I don’t hold it against them. And I’ll still LARP with His Nibs afterwards; I’m pretty sure I’m immune. I was immunized a few weeks ago. It’s just that…i really, really don’t want to play Vampire. And there aren’t that many options at the moment if i do want to play something in the city.
So there. I’ve said it. Publically. Not on the suuuuuper seeecret blog, not just hand-waving and ranting in small groups.
I don’t want to play Vampire.
Check that. I’m willing to try **WARNING! EXTREME NERD MATERIAL FOLLOWS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.** New World of Darkness, depending on who’s running it and who’s playing. I freely admit that I am an elitist when it comes to gaming. Because this is my free time. I mean, I can have a good time doing just about anything (seriously, man. Peanuts in a cup. Most bestest entertainment EVAR), including stuff I don’t like. Mostly because I decided a long time ago that I’d much rather enjoy myself than not. Wow, that was weird to type. Was that as weird to read as it was to type?
What I mean is, rather than be at lagerheads (snicker) with the folks running the game and/or the other folks playing the game, it makes more sense to choose to participate in a game that doesn’t cause you stress. So by ‘elitist’, I guess I really mean ‘utilitarian’. But not in the sense of ‘utilitarian’ like crotchless pantyhose; I mean ‘utilitarian’ in the sense of ‘maximising happiness and/or minimising unhappiness’.
Crotchless pantyhose are the best thing since…erm…well…split crotch bloomers, I guess. Which in turn are the best thing since no underpants at all. Wow. How’d I get *here*?
No, I’m not standing here saying “neener neener; my game’s better than your game”, because a) I do not have a game; and b) well, really, I don’t have a game.
I just know what I don’t like. Um. And I’m comparing it to a venereal disease. Which is kind of douchey of me, I guess. Sorry about that.
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