If there was only one piece of advice I could give to parents of newborns, it is this:
Your baby does NOT hate to be swaddled.
Your baby *may* hate being swaddled in the wrong way, or too loosely, but your baby does *not* hate being swaddled. Learn how to properly swaddle your wriggler, and you’ll all sleep better. Babies do better swaddled, in a low-light (not pitch-dark) room with background noise.
In fact, when Coyote’s youngest was just wee, they brought her over and Coyote told me “swaddling won’t work; she hates it”. But I swaddled the baby, and she immediately fell asleep and stayed asleep for a couple of hours. Coyote certainly wasn’t the only person to doubt the swaddling; just one of the loudest. ;p
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.