Tag: Canadian Politics

  • The Trouble with Tri….al and Error

    Let me just say that I am having a *great* deal of difficulty giving a damn about the election. “What election?” You might ask. That’s about how I feel about it, to be honest. In fact, I don’t even want to write about it. Which is really my way of saying “you might get a…

  • The Inevitable

    You might not know this about me, but in a little under three weeks, I am going to be going to the Greater Metro Lumsden Downtown Core Community Hall to do some serious, *serious* civic duty. Hardcore civic duty. And so in the lead-up to my hardcore civic duty badassery, I have been following, with…

  • Aw, shit.

    “My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.” A letter to Canadians, from Jack Layton

  • Do you find it surprising?

    I find it surprising not at all that even though many people who support politically right-of-centre parties (such as our current government, senate, and supreme court) often say things like: “we need LESS government not MORE”, the governments they elected always tend to grow and grow and grow. Case in point: the parliamentary budget officer…

  • You keep saying this word. I don’t think this word means what you think it means.

    I’d like to kiss the Senate page who launched a protest calling for someone – everyone – to stop Prime Minister Harper. First of all, she’s got chutzpah for doing this thing, and I really admire that. Second, even though there were only three weeks left in her contract as a Senate page, she risked…

  • Denouement

    (n) denouement (the outcome of a complex sequence of events) Well. I don’t think I’ve been that excited about something I had pretty much no control over since Cory L. took us out to pull doughnuts on frozen sloughs one New Year’s Eve. Our frozen slough evening ended with nothing more than bruises, and I’m…