Tag: Advice

  • Eyewear, pocketbook, wristwatch

    Before we get too far into this, I want you to go here and listen to The Faint’s Dress Code. Especially you, Meatbum. I’ll wait. I think it’s my new favourite thing ever invented. And, while you’re doing that, I’m just going to say I miss Devo. Okay. You’re back. Awesome! Dress code. Gender bias.…

  • Post-graduate paper

    This morning, #TheTeen and I got into a bit of a tiff. Mornings are chaotic, and as much as I have really enjoyed #TheTeen’s company this summer, when school starts up again and we’re under pressure, something eventually has to give. Here’s some background, although actually, the deets aren’t all that important. In fact, the…

  • The Guider’s Guide to Guides or, Sock DIY Tutorial

    Another thing the Internets have taught me about how to come up with ideas is that readers of blogs fully enjoy being told what to do. Which is to say, their favourite thing in the whole world is DIY sites. That means “Do It Yourself”. It could also stand for “Ducks In Yorkton“, “Dildos Instead,…

  • Sweet Things

    Earlier this week, His Nibs and I had the privilege to witness one of his best friends get married. Afterwards, we took the children to a Brazilian steak house. I have been to one of these restaurants a few times now, and took The Captain to one when we were at GenCon. These are the…

  • Used To Be Pretty

    Some folks seem to have this idea that if only they have more or get more or get something different, that all of the Bad Things in their lives will be magically fixed. This is a troublesome mindset. I think it’s related somehow to the bullshite idea that if you think positively enough about something,…

  • Be Startin’ Something

    Yesterday, His Nibs and I signed the contract with a local construction contractor. We’re turning our laundry room into a second bathroom, which means Spare Oom will be smaller. It also means the horrid fake wood panelling in Spare Oom will be no more. Also: out with the wine-coloured shag carpet. (*hurk*) I plan to…