centre of the universe: the dreaming

  • I don’t know much

    Yours Truly has, in the last few weeks/months, encountered several folks who have either taken advantage of established and emerging technology to produce their own books. I think this is a grand venture! As you know, Yours Truly works for a publishing organisation. We don’t publish books, but rather are an industry organisation that supports…

  • And then there was

    Rain. Effing cloudy, grey, frigging cold, drizzly, pissing-down, bloody buckets of bloody rain. What the hell happened to my “dry cold”?

  • Eff Ar Ee Ee Dee Oh Em

    I wish Ezra Levant would stick to writing stuff rather than flapping his gums. I never really realised how much I can’t stand that guy and his reductio ad absurdum arguments until today*. But this is a good thing! Because now that I know that, I can *turn the radio off* whenever he speaks. Or…

  • When’s a door not a door?

    So here’s the deal. A bunch of years ago, some shortsighted city-folk decided it’d be a Good Use of our money to create a massive database that served as a repository of information about law-abiding citizens. No, I don’t mean all that crap that McCarthy got up to. I mean Canada’s gun registry laws. They’ve…

  • What they don’t tell you

    When you get your license to reproduce, there is a manual that comes along in the post after your first positive pregnancy test/after you sign the first adoption papers, and that manual tells you everything you need to know about raising a brood, from a brood of one to a brood of…oh, I dunno…twenty or…

  • I can not put my finger on it

    In high school, I swam every day after class. Lap after lap, until I could barely walk. I remember the feeling of my muscles, pulling me through the water, strong…sure. I could be confident in the water. I could block out everything else and push myself to the edge of exhaustion, a place I could…

Got any book recommendations?