And in other news

Anybody want to come to a book launch in October?






6 responses to “And in other news”

  1. Stark Raving Dad Avatar
    Stark Raving Dad

    If this is an April Fool’s joke its a cruel one… seriously?

      1. Stark Raving Dad Avatar
        Stark Raving Dad

        Bah, that’s not a gotcha… that’s building up hope, then crushing someone’s dreams.

        If anyone is looking for me, I’ll be in the corner sobbing into a blank page.

        1. cenobyte Avatar

          Yeah, that’s where I’ll be, too.

  2. melistress Avatar

    Your book? I second the cruelty of this being an April Fool’s joke.

    1. cenobyte Avatar

      To be fair, I never said anything about *whose* book would be launched in October.

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