I don’t understand you, spammers. I just. Don’t. Get you.
Let’s just pretend that I have an issue with Erectile Dysfunction, shall we? I’m probably pretty ashamed, and I might be a little worried about why willy’s wilting. Because I am a free-thinking, intelligent man, I am going to TALK TO MY DOCTOR ABOUT IT. What the hell makes you think I’m going to click a link in an email from some heavy-metal communist guy called “AXle cHAn” that advertises “ch33p v1aGRA”?
Let me point out the many flaws in these marketing plans:
1) Do not buy drugs from people you do not know. This is a lesson all of us learn in University.
2) Think back to that time you bought the “ch33p” toilet paper. Is cheaper better?
3) If you’re buying drugs to embetterify your johnson, do you *really* want the discount, dollar store pharmaceuticals? Really?
4) Where do you suppose these “h4xx0rz” get their “ch33p v1aGRA”? EITHER it’s stolen from the pharmaceutical company or the pharmacy itself, or they’ve stolen them from an old folks’ home, OR they’ve just put a bunch of cat urine into a tablet and called it kosher.
5) Do not give money to someone who cannot remember in two sentences, never mind two paragraphs, how to spell their name.
Honestly, does anyone fall for this crap? Why are there still spammers out there? If the United States Bureau of Homeland Security can track a fly’s fart from space, why the hell can’t they stop spam? If we can clone sheep, for pete’s sake, why can’t we figure out how to make “ch33p v1aGRA” go away?
And Armundo Ngibi from Nigeria? I don’t believe you one whit that my relative in your country died and left me 3.2 million dollars, and that all I have to do to claim it is to send $1500 in clean, unmarked bills to some post box in Peru. People in my FAMILY, Mr. Ngibi, don’t leave anybody anything except good memories and twelve-year-old scotch.
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.