1) Am completely tired of having bad heartburn. Bleck.
2) Did a Stupid Thing and deleted, like, five hundred emails before they’d been properly gone through. If you’ve sent something to me and don’t hear back in a day or two, please resend.
3) Did I mention the heartburn? Glack.
5) I deliberately did not put down the fourth thing.
6) I have a *brand new* drive in my shiny red laptop, which is craploads faster than my old one. Thanks to the Digital Digs guy. Super fast website (don’t know if *you’ve* noticed things loading faster, but I sure have), fast computer with less chance of physical failure…it’s pretty sweet.
7) I’m’a have one headless kid and one jedi for Hallowe’enie beanie.
4 responses to “thoughts”
Is this “Dr. Oz” a little short guy who hangs out behind a curtain in the Emerald Palace? Because if he is, I’m not sure I want to listen to anything he says.
“There is NOOOOOOO Rule number 4.
Rule #5 : I don’t want to see anybody NOT drinking. “
On the heartburn front, two things come to mind. One, gaviscon, that is all. Two, Dr Oz says to never ignore heartburn. Might be worth getting it looked at.Congrats on the shiney red new thingy. I am afraid if anything that shiney came to live with me, I’d stare at it for hours. Yes. I am that adhd.
Heheh. Scrubs flashbacks. Dr. Toilet, and an entire song in their musical episode about how the answer is in your bum. Hah.
haaaa…no no. he’s a real dr that used to visit Oprah once in awhile and he was known as the poop dr because he could tell what ails you by the poop you,….drop.
Anywhoo…I am not a usual tv watcher but this guys has caught my eye. His show is pretty good, and is very pro-women. He doesn’t judge, he just tries to help.
Never know..you might like him. Maybe not, but thats ok. He’s interesting.
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