Tag: tabula rasa

  • Pale Yellow

    She was an energetic child, running ahead of her parents everywhere they went. She was full of laughter and joy and her long golden hair flew behind her as she ran. She was a child of the sun. They tried, one summer, to put her on one of those leashes for children. It was at…

  • What isn’t said

    There were people in the house. I could hear them downstairs, in the back room. I could hear footsteps on the floor below, and the particular timbre of the stairs as someone ascended. There were often people in the house; I entertain frequently, and enjoy having guests. Particularly when I am not the one responsible…

  • I Will Never Be

    Closer to thee, closer to thee… I don’t know if you know this about me, but I always wanted to be a singer. I used to come home for lunch at school, and I was a latch-key kid, so I was the only person home, and I would pretend there was a singing contest and…

  • It's just that

    We haven’t much to tell you these days. I could talk about the streaker at city hall in the Queen’s City, but that’s already been done. I could tell you about how Canadian Members of Parliament are finally going back to work (lousy shirkers). I could talk about how miffed I am that ‘feminist’ is…