Tag: exercise
Three letter word
I know that “running” on an elliptical isn’t really running, but I just did about 10k over an hour on the the thing and the last time I did any physical activity that made me pant and sweat like that for an hour, I think I was in labour. Or maybe it was whatever happened…
Deep Throat
Just a brief note today, my love. The downside of eating regularly and relatively well is that when one has to skip meals, one is devastatingly hungry. The reason for the meal skipping in a moment. It’s been no secret over the last decade that I’ve been struggling to be healthier. I’ve been struggling to…
Smarten up
If I could take you by the ear and drag you around the block a few times, I would. No, not YOU. YOU’RE awesome. I mean that twit. The twit who insists on driving in the bike lane. You see, this started out as a rant about cyclists who ride on the sidewalk, cyclists who…
What else is left?
You know what’s screwed up? What’s screwed up is when you decide that enough is enough, it’s time to DO something with yourself, and you start working out every morning, and your body starts doing effed up things. That’s screwy. And by ‘effed up things’, I mean gaining a pound a day. One may have…