I’m not being facetious here: please tell me what is so threatening/frightening about a coalition government?
I’ve heard a lot of people say that Canada needs to adopt a two-party system of governance so that we no longer have to be faced with things like minority governments and the possibility of coalition governments. I have to admit that I just don’t understand that argument. I *do* understand that folks’re tired of the expense and of the rigamarole of going to the polls every two years (although I absolutely do not agree with the idea that anyone other than “The Harper Government” is responsible for this latest election. It’s not about the opposition parties voting against the budget, people, although “The Harper Government” is certainly the better man when it comes to spin, because they are certainly good at obfuscation and redirection.)
But aside from my thoughts about the Conservative party in general and Stephen Harper specifically, I really do want to know what is so bloody frightening about a coalition government. Because to me, it seems like asking more than one party to run the government in co-operation with others isn’t inherently *harmful*. Sure, trying to get a decision made by committee can be a pain in the arse if you’re designing a web page and all seventeen people on the committee have a different favourite colour and the best feedback you can get about the web page is “I think it should be more blue; like the kind of blue the sky is, and not the kind of blue you feel when your pet fish has died”. But making *big* decisions by committee isn’t all bad. It’s probably why all governments strike committees to make recommendations for big decisions. I could be guessing wildly on that one.
So. Clearly, I do not understand. And I should very much like to understand. I’m not being facetious or sarcastic here.I *do* want to hear from people with whom I may not share political points of view.
Okay, *was* being a little sarcastic up there, but my question is an heartfelt and honest one: what’s wrong with a coalition government?
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