
Yesterday, I saw someone I’m not fond of. I mentioned to my work buddy, “Gah. There’s someone I’m not fond of. I hope that person doesn’t recognise me.” And really, there’s a good chance I would have been able to stay relatively incognito. But then I started thinking ‘this is ridiculous. I don’t live in fear.’

So I approached the ghost and re-introduced myself, made some small talk, and the ghost went on its merry way.

This is significant for a couple of reasons (I’m in point-form mood lately; please bear with me):
1) There are very few people I dislike. It really takes an awful lot for you to prove to me that you’re not worth my time and energy. My ghost managed to do so in eight months, which I think is a record.

2) I’ve discovered in the last few years that I do, in fact, hold a grudge. But usually not against people who wrong *me*. Usually it’s against people who harm someone else. I still hold a bit of a grudge against my ghost…obviously, because my initial reaction was to hide.

3) It proved to me that all the confidence that my ghost stripped away from me over six months or so has grown back. Thank you, family, friends, and career!

I’m hoping tonight to see Road Rage and my BFFFCWPUWMSFY (Best Friend Forever From Childhood Who Put Up With My Shit For Years) whom I haven’t seen in seven years. I’m excited about both.

Thanks for the prayers and good mojo and meatballs. I think it’s helping.






3 responses to “Ghosts”

  1. Atrueoriginall Avatar

    “I’ve discovered in the last few years that I do, in fact, hold a grudge. But usually not against people who wrong *me*. Usually it’s against people who harm someone else.”This simply means you’re ‘quite the human being’ that everyone should be.

  2. Der Kaptin Avatar
    Der Kaptin

    Well, I’m counting my blessings that I wasn’t out and about crossing paths with you yestiday.

  3. depthless muser Avatar
    depthless muser

    I’m glad that you got to see your BFFFCWPUWMSFY, and equally happy that I got to meet her. I can see why you like her.I fear that in your absence I was the most talkative, although it seems to me that unless you rile her up it is hard to out-quiet her. Then again, perhaps my first impression is mistaken. :)

i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.

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