cenobyte had a Very Long board meeting last night. She managed to catch the last half of the third period of the Canada-Switzerland hockey game on the way home from work; that’s how long the meeting went. During the meeting, cenobyte was stricken with fever and chills. She did her very best to pretend “this is not *happening* to me” with fever and chills. Because, you know, she hasn’t time to Get Sick right now.
cenobyte hasn’t been able to get to sleep before 3am for the past week or more. Often, even when she goes to bed at 10pm (or 8pm), she cannot sleep, and she gets up and wanders around and reads and has warm milk and hot baths and chamomile tea and even rum, and none of it helps. Some days, she’s not able to get to sleep before FIVE am. What gives?
So, combine the two, and cenobyte isn’t feeling well.
However, cenobyte has figured out exactly what the problem is with her sore neck.
Neck sharks.
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.