I met a new doctor today.
Don’t know how I feel about it, really. On the one hand, finding family physicians in this neck of the woods is kind of like shooting ducks in the dark; you just kind of aim at the sky and hope you hit something that quacks. On the other hand, my standards are pretty high here, because I’m trying to find someone to replace the best doctor in the known universe, and that’s not an easy task. So maybe I’m just really judging too harshly here.
I asked the doctor to refer me to an endocrinologist. The doctor asked why. I said, “because I have the metabolism of that examination table”.
The doctor said, “why?”
I said, “uh. Because I’ve been going to the gym for an hour a day for the past ten months, and eating a balanced diet, and this past month weighed more than I’ve ever weighed in my life.”
Doctor said, “What do you eat for breakfast?”
I said, “I change it up. Usually hot cereal with yogurt or boiled eggs.”
Doctor said, “You’re not getting any protein.”
I said, “Um.”
And from that moment, didn’t believe the doctor knew a gorram thing. So that by the time the doctor advised me that the best bet for me to have my lipomas removed is to go to a plastic surgery clinic that does everything, the doctor assured me, from removing lipomas to botox to breast implants, I was thinking, “crap on a cracker. This is NOT going to work.”
So while that doctor gives me the whole “Fine. I’ll give you a referral to the endocrinologist you want to see, but I’m going to make you wait until May because that’s not the endocrinologist I usually work with” routine, I’m still looking for a new family doctor. Because at the end of my appointment, I was angry.
Doctor X didn’t take *any* family history. Didn’t ask me *anything* about whether I smoke or drink or do drugs. Asked me about my surgical history, and the names of my family members, but that’s it. And when the doctor advised me to consider eating whole grains for the carbohydrate portion of my diet, I replied with: “we do that already, in fact. We don’t eat a lot of processed food. We make our own noodles, even.”
The doctor answered me with a scoff and, “well, WHOLE grains are more than just making your own noodles.”
Which is true, I guess. But.
Yesterday was Day of People being Asshats to cenobyte.
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.