
A few thing before the weekend, in no particular order. Discuss at will:

  1. Teachers are absolutely worth as much as nurses and firefighters and police officers. They have as much if not more training and education, as well.
  2. How come I didn’t hear “we should only offer a rise in pay to GOOD nurses” the last time there was job action in that sector?
  3. Why the hell are people up in arms over a 19 year old MP when the Conservatives hire convicts and felons? Sure, a 19 year old might be a little wet behind the ears, but at least he hasn’t got a criminal record longer than my arm.
  4. Making up controversy over an MP who won even though she did no campaigning does two things: One, it points out how you can have Sour Grapes even though your party won, and two, it shows how little the other parties’ policies and platforms are supported by that riding’s constituents. They chose to vote for someone who wasn’t even campaigning actively rather than the candidates who were. Out of touch, much? I also can’t believe I just said that.
  5. Watching the Liberal Party attempt to finangle social media in this election was like watching your grandmother try on your assless chaps. It was weird, and deeply, deeply uncomfortable.
  6. Just in case you weren’t clear on this, I am frankly HORRIFIED that you have re-elected Douche and the God-dance Kid. You should be ashamed.
  7. Electoral reform isn’t going to happen with a Conservative majority, a Conservative-appointed Senate (that’s not the kind of Senate reform we thought you were talking about, Steve), and an about-to-be Conservative-appointed Supreme Court. Why change what’s clearly working in their favour?
  8. I really, really, really despise it when people tell me they value my opinion and then ignore it completely. That’s a pretty easy way to get yourself Shunned.
  9. No, we did not flood. But it’s going to be a Very Long Time before much of the seeding can be done in the valley.
  10. Whoever stole my cabana, cabana boy, and masseuse, I WILL find you. Oh yes. I will find you, and I’ll do horrible things to you. Things that you won’t even like even if you’re a little on the weird side. Things that involve a cheese grater and wasabi.






14 responses to “Chatter.”

  1. Sixth Estate Avatar
    Sixth Estate

    “How come I didn’t hear “we should only offer a rise in pay to GOOD nurses” the last time there was job action in that sector?”

    Don’t give them any ideas.

  2. melistress Avatar

    Re: #2. You would have heard it from me if you had put up a similar post about nurses. Or any other profession. :ow come you didn’t feel the need to put up a similar post for nurses and all other unioned professions in contract negotiations?

    The point is, I have heard this story all my life about teachers. More money in their pockets isn’t going to make their job better or easier or provide better education to the students.

    1. melistress Avatar

      God I suck at communicating! And I don’t mean that they shouldn’t get money out of this. I mean that there needs to be other changes before I can fully support this.

    2. cenobyte Avatar

      I have made posts in the past in favour of nurses and doctors striking.

  3. Avatar

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  4. turk182 Avatar

    1. agree
    2. %50 are less than average
    3. white blond 20
    4. see 3
    5. reith lectures, torture lover, creepy as fuck
    6. guns
    7. Obfuscation for point 6
    8. what
    9. don’t know
    10. fuckers

    1. cenobyte Avatar

      Nice. Did you just goatse my bournal?


      1. turk182 Avatar

        No YOU bourneled my goatse.

      2. Avatar

        you really think you have magic powerz

  5. turk182 Avatar

    I am gettin into Atwood. Recently read Oryx and Crake and Year of the Flood. LOL swinging blue dinks what a great woman.

  6. Avatar

    Terror is bullshit. We are getting to know each other all the time.

  7. turk182 Avatar

    milk plate bullshit fuck we want peace

  8. dippid Avatar

    “Watching the Liberal Party attempt to finangle social media in this election was like watching your grandmother try on your assless chaps. It was weird, and deeply, deeply uncomfortable.” – This might be statement with the most truth in it that I have ever read. Also made me laugh so hard beer came out my nose. Well done. 10 points.

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