Category: Saskatchewan

  • Provincial Cannabis Survey

    So according to a recent article in the local paper, “the majority of Saskatchewan residents” aren’t interested in trying marijuana once it becomes legal federally on 17 October. According to me, this is precisely how those surveys went: “Hi, we’re conducting a survey about marijuana…” “what’s that?” “When marijuana becomes legal, will you try it?”…

  • …out of Nothing at all

    Now. You may not live in Regina. You may not live in Saskatchewan. Hell, you may not even live in Canada, or maybe you’re not a North Americaner. Either way, it doens’t matter because there is “nothing wrong”. Don’t take my word for it. Local developer Fortress Real Developments has reassured the pubic* via the…

  • Fuck Libraries

    The Saskatchewan government, in its 2017/18 budget, has slashed library budgets around the province. It’s done all kinds of other things too like force civil servants to take a 3.5% cut in pay, shut down the only highway bus transportation service in the province, increase the provincial sales tax, and basically pissed off pretty much…

  • Education Governance Reform

    The Government of Saskatchewan recently released a study commissioned from Dan Perrins called Educational Governance Review Report, Kindergarten to Grade 12. The first 21 pages of the report are pretty straightforward: there’s a need in Saskatchewan to centralise administration for our dozen-and-a-half school divisions, and to ensure school boards are using best practices for efficient, responsible,…

  • Cardboard cutout

    I’ve heard a lot of stupid things in my time. Hell, I’ve probably said more stupid things than a really large number of people who’ve said stupid things, combined with an equally large, or possibly larger, number of people who’ve said stupid things. Don’t believe me? Okay, how’s this: Grade 10. The Long-Suffering Sarah and…

  • Uncomfortable Dinner

    Canada’s federal Minister of Health has just slapped Saskatchewan’s hands for offering pay-to-use MRIs, prompting the Saskatchewan Minister of Health to thumb his nose at the Feds, in an act that surprises absolutely nobody.  While the Conservative Libertarians among us crow that it’s nobody’s business how we spend our after-tax dollars, in a less-than-surprising yet uplifting exercise…