Tag: Reviews

  • Stones for my Father

    A while back, I learned about a new book tour. More specifically, it was a book tour that would be taking place entirely in the, as they say, ‘blogosphere’. This isn’t the first blog book tour that’s ever been done, but it’s the first one I’ve got to take part in. Now, let’s just step…

  • Blog Tour

    I’ll be participating in a blog tour for Trilby Kent’s Stones for my Father. I’ve never done a blog tour before, and I’m not really sure what’s going to happen here, but on 28th April, something related to Kent’s book will appear at the centre of the universe.

  • Some things are better left unread

    I got into this discussion twice in the last week. Granted, once was because I started the discussion, but still. A while ago, a friend of mine suggested I read a certain book. It was, the friend said, a favourite. The sort of book one reads over and over so that none of it is…

  • Endings are Heartless

    I think the key to Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series is at the very end of the very last book. More importantly, I kind of feel like most of the world got completely ripped off with this series, and I’ll tell you why in a minute. One of the things that King says in…

  • A Little More About That Series I’m Re-Reading

    This will be a short post. THIS SERIES IS BREAKING MY HEART. That is all.

  • Not sure I’m ready for this

    Okay, THIS post is going to be short. Seriously. If Stephen King had cropped out 95% of the priest’s story from Wolves of the Calla and 95% of the garbage he wrote about Susannah in Song of Susannah and combined what was left into one book, everything would have gone much better for the Dark…