Tag: Politics
Elections, Campaigning, and Change
If you’re rebuilding a political party, you have to listen. You have to WANT to listen. And you have to listen to a lot of people. One of the best things that ever happened to me was Preston Manning coming to my high school to talk about his newly formed federal party, the Alliance Party.…
Walk a Mile
A few days ago, I had one of those “eff you, I’m turning off the radio and all y’all are just a bunch of paint-sniffing reticulated jerk muffins” moments. It was about Idle No More. If you’re Canadian and you haven’t heard about this grassroots protest against legislation that may infringe upon our treaty rights.…
It’s really not that big a deal
All of a sudden, people all over effbook are freaking out about the two-year-old story that Gary Goodyear, the Canadian Minister of Science, doesn’t believe in the theory of evolution. I think this is a bit of an odd turn. I mean, it’s been out there for over two years. It’s not like we didn’t…
Compare and Contrast
We’re heading in to a Very Exciting Year, you and I. There will be both a Federal and a Provincial hellection in 2011. I know, I know, you say you don’t care much about politics, and that’s fine, I understand. I used to say the same thing. I really thought for the longest time that…
Welcome to Bass-Ackwards Canadian Policies
When I heard this on the news, I was shocked. I don’t know why I was shocked, because Harper’s Conservatives have rescinded support for women’s groups, gay rights, and Aboriginal education, to name a few of their more dough-brained decisions. Maybe if you look at these things through some kind of government-sponsored tunnel, you won’t…