Tag: piss in your eye

  • She’s my cherry pie

    Here’s a problem. Some people seem to think that sexual or romantic attention is a *gift*. They seem to think that all we do is sit around waiting for someone to tell us that we’re pretty or sexy or that we want to know what they would like to do to us. I don’t want…

  • Head Like a Hole

    First, I’d like you to go to Netflix and watch a documentary called “Head Games”. It’s about brain damage due to contact sport. It talks about concussions in football, hockey, and boxing. And entertainment wrestling (not greco-roman wrestling). It’s an incredibly interesting and well-done documentary. One of the really good question it raises is why…

  • I’m a collector, not a hoarder

    You always hear that, don’t you. When you watch those programmes with people who have seventy eight cats all living in the house with them, turding on the floor in piles taller than the coffee table. Houses where rats have eaten their way into the chesterfield and have left because the premises are too unsanitary…


    You know, it’s unusual for me to get this upset about something I see on effbook status updates. I mean, there’s a *reason* I don’t do effbook very much anymore, and the sheer number of idiots posting shite that makes me grind my teeth is one of them. Usually, I read something stupid, and then…

  • Gossip

    I’ve just learned how to gossip. I mean, not *just* now; in the last few months. I was never much for gossip when I was pupating, because I didn’t really get the point. I guess I still don’t…not *really*…I mean, talking about one another and being concerned about one another is a way to strengthen…

  • It’s just a thing I don’t do

    You know when the phone rings and you answer the phone and there’s nobody on the phone so you say ‘hello?’ and wait for someone to answer you on the phone, even though they rang you and should be waiting with bated (not baited!) breath on the other end of the line for you to…