Tag: Perchance to Dream

  • The People Upstairs

    The People Upstairs

    The house was old; the house was big – bigger in fact than it had ever been. Not much happened upstairs, in the attic, because the attic was full of dust and discarded building supplies, crumbling plaster and lath, and so many spiders. It wasn’t that the upstairs had never been used, but rather it…

  • The Freehouse Caper

    The Freehouse Caper

    I dreamed a dream of games, of gatherings and a labyrinth. I dreamed of sport and game and speeches from the Summer King. He was old, handsome, tired, his power waning. The Winter King was still just a boy but the hunger in him, the desire shining in his eyes, tinged with a hint of…

  • Dreamlet

    A friend had invited me to the ‘viewing’ of their first grandchild in a community centre, or maybe in the common room of a condo complex. The new baby was teensy, with a shock of bright red hair. We’re talking Beaker hair, here, and it was perfect. When I got there, the Aunties had placed…

  • I had a Very Witty Title and Forboutagot it

    For a while this morning, everything was normal. The sandy-haired gentleman sat at his kitchen table with a coffee and a bagel and seven or eight daily newspapers from all over the world. His house was silent; not even the birds outside were quite ready to greet the dawn (either it was too early or…