Tag: Paula Weston
Burn Blog Tour – Saying Goodbye
I’ve been putting this off for as long as I can. I’m not…good…with goodbyes. I’m a ghoster; a master of what in my family was called “the Irish farewell”, which was to simply leave the room innocuously when nobody was looking, so as to leave without making a huge deal of leaving. It bothers the…
Shimmer: a blog tour
There’s about to be a second war on earth for the kingdom of heaven, and Gaby and her brother are the only ones who can prevent it. Or else they’re the ones who tried to start it. Things are a little confusing since it’s only been a week or so since Gaby found out she…
Haze: a blog tour
I know you remember when I did the blog tour for Aussie author Paula Weston’s Shadows. I have been waiting and waiting and waiting to read the next book in the series. Well. To be honest, I’ve just been waiting and waiting. I mean it SEEMS like a super long time, but really, it’s only…
Shadows: a Blog Tour
Recently, I heard about Tundra Books doing a blog tour for Paula Weston’s “Shadows”. I have done a blog tour for Tundra Books before, and it was a great experience. So I jumped at the chance. I wasn’t familiar with Paula Weston before becoming part of the tour. This is a shameful oversight which I…