Tag: Indigenous Peoples

  • Iskocēs Tipiskak: A Spark in the Dark – Book Review

    Have you ever had one of those experiences where something comes at you out of the dark and ends up being a pleasant surprise? A time where you weren’t expecting anything but something happened anyway? Or when a complete stranger found you and you ended up kind of grokking each other? I think of the…

  • We can work it out

    I know you feel like you’re being persecuted. I know you feel like the danger of “special interest groups” is that they will take something away from you. Hey, I’m a little confused myself at how to rebuild a relationship that’s been hindered by a few hundred years of deeply ingrained, systematic racism. I don’t…

  • Transparency?

    I don’t think that word means what you think it means.  We just passed the deadline by which First Nations bands are required by the Federal Government to disclosed audited financial statements. The audited financial statements must be accompanied by a separate schedule which details the salaries for Chiefs and councillors. There are some good…