Category: Rights

  • Hush

    Blocking hateful and threatening posts from your social media feeds isn’t censorship, for crap’s sake. Censorship is the suppression of free speech. You’re still perfectly capable of bleating your fear-filled messages of intolerance and xenophobic BS on your own feeds, on your own website, on signs in your yard, in the books you publish, etc..…

  • Wealth, Taxes, and Citizenship

    Wealth, Taxes, and Citizenship

    I saw this posted on effbook, from these folks. LUCY PARSONS: “MORE DANGEROUS THAN A THOUSAND RIOTERS”: Eldine Gonzalez Parsons (born c. 1853 – March 7, 1942), described by the Chicago Police Department as “more dangerous than a thousand rioters,” was an American labor organizer and anarchist, born around 1853 in Texas, likely as a…

  • Keep it together

    I’m going to post this article here. I need you to read it, and I’ll wait. Many things are going on here, and none of them is particularly good. For anyone who says that feminism isn’t needed anymore; for folks out there who say feminism isn’t relevant anymore, this judge proves why you’re wrong. Feminism…

  • Presumption of innocence?

    This is something I want to approach very delicately. It’s about allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. I don’t want to get into a huge discussion about rape culture and the way in which sexual assault is downplayed. This is more about actual legal issues. I believe the Canadian and American legal systems…

  • Freedom’s just another word

    Here’s the thing. Freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom to not do your job. It doesn’t mean freedom from repercussions if you choose not to do your job. It doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the law. It means you are free to believe whatever the hell you’d like to believe. Maybe that means you believe…