Category: Just Wrong
Let me tell you a harrowing story. It’s not a story for the faint of heart. You may want to sit next to a loved one, turn on all the lights, wrap up in a fuzzy blanket. When our eldest turned 18 and was therefore required to file taxes, we signed him up with a…
What’s a little child labour among friends?
Local businesses: “we can’t find employees!” Chamber of Commerce: “how ’bout child labour?” L.Bs: “Do we have to pay, like, benefits and shit?” CoC: “Not if you only give them like 10 hours a week!” L.Bs: “We can hire SIX part time kids who don’t even NEED benefits!?” CoC: “It’s foolproof!” The Saskatchewan Chamber of…
Who puts the ‘D’ in….”Dystopia”?
Okay first, right off the hop, let me just say that yes, like a twelve-year-old, I have been snickering at the question “who puts the ‘D’ in ‘Dystopia’”. Dystopian fiction used to be among my favourite genres …styles… of fiction. I still do love me a well-crafted dystopian tale, but lately I’ve been approaching this…