Category: Just Wrong

  • Catch-44


    Let me tell you a harrowing story. It’s not a story for the faint of heart. You may want to sit next to a loved one, turn on all the lights, wrap up in a fuzzy blanket. When our eldest turned 18 and was therefore required to file taxes, we signed him up with a…

  • What’s a little child labour among friends?

    Local businesses: “we can’t find employees!” Chamber of Commerce: “how ’bout child labour?” L.Bs: “Do we have to pay, like, benefits and shit?” CoC: “Not if you only give them like 10 hours a week!” L.Bs: “We can hire SIX part time kids who don’t even NEED benefits!?” CoC: “It’s foolproof!” The Saskatchewan Chamber of…

  • Burnt Out

    Burnt Out

    I woke yesterday, or maybe the day before, and heard the Radio Doctor (as in, the physician who is often interviewed on radio, and not the person who repairs ailing radios. Not that there’s anything wrong with the latter; radio repair is a noble profession. It’s just that in this instance, it was the physician…

  • Who puts the ‘D’ in….”Dystopia”?

    Okay first, right off the hop, let me just say that yes, like a twelve-year-old, I have been snickering at the question “who puts the ‘D’ in ‘Dystopia’”. Dystopian fiction used to be among my favourite genres …styles… of fiction. I still do love me a well-crafted dystopian tale, but lately I’ve been approaching this…

  • The Kids are Alright

    It started out fairly inocuously; Kid the Younger and their paramour, a few friends we haven’t seen in a while, and a few of KtY & P’s friends just hanging out and watching movies, playing games. Some of us were upstairs in my childhood home and some of us were downstairs. There was a bit…

  • Just Keep Stabbin’

    I used to be the sort of person who could walk into a clinic, slap myself down in a chair, and have the ghoulish blood collectors therein remove as much of the red as they needed. I donated blood on a regular basis; I never had a problem with blood tests. In addition to being…