Category: Just for You

  • Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane

    Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane

    I dreamed of dancing. Here’s the thing of it: although the makeshift stage were small and we had to move through nervous event-goers and stacked crates, the music was good. Despite there being only two other folks up there, when certain songs come one, you have to move. It’s got to be some kind of…

  • Dreamlet

    A friend had invited me to the ‘viewing’ of their first grandchild in a community centre, or maybe in the common room of a condo complex. The new baby was teensy, with a shock of bright red hair. We’re talking Beaker hair, here, and it was perfect. When I got there, the Aunties had placed…

  • Standing – NaBloPoMo Day 16

    It’s Giftmas Sales Season (GSS) and I get to person the booth at the first big giftmas market of the year. You may think this is the Worst Thing Evar, but it’s not. Everyone is happy. Excited. Fulla beans. There’s enough time for Humbuggery; today though I’m looking forward to hearing about grandkids, vacation plans,…

  • Concern – NaBloPoMo Day 4

    My father was asking recently whether any more of my articles might be featured on the CBC website. I mentioned I hadn’t pitched any lately, mostly for REASONS that involve being a) pretty busy; b) kinda brain-dead; c) most likely undernourished since our oven is busted and my slow cooker is pooched and basically all…

  • Blinders – NaBloPoMo Day 3

    Sometimes I’m positive the dog has the right idea. Probably this is why people started keeping their domesticated animals in their houses with them; they saw reflected in their animal buddies aspects of their own natures that they couldn’t quite talk about for whatever reason. Maybe they couldn’t name it because they were afeared. Maybe…

  • Road Trip – NaBloPoMo Day 2

    I was on the road today. I got out early owing to the fact that the weather people said it *probably* wasn’t going to start sky-shiting until later in the afternoon, which means it could go at any time. I’ve always liked driving. When I was an incorrigible teen, my Da would stop me in…