Category: Fuckocracy

  • Danger Zone

    Please go read this article ( I’ll wait. If you’re already on Twitter, you’ve seen this already. I spent about a decade trying to look not-female (which was tough, given my body shape) and being very angry that I couldn’t go out to the club or the bar without having to be “on guard”. I was…

  • I will survive

    I am a woman. This probably won’t shock you. I am a woman, I am a feminist, I am a mother, I am a lover…I am many things. But I want to tell you about something I am not. I am not afraid. Oh sure, I have fear. I worry about my family, about the…

  • Fuckocracy

    **Warning** This post contains saucy language. Not, like, Arrabbiata or white wine, but more like sailor language. Not sailor sauce, which, when you think about it a little sideways, is utterly revolting [insert comment about sea-foam here].