Category: Friends
So much left unsaid
“We each of us mourn and grieve the holes our loved ones leave in our lives when they go,” I wrote to my friend yesterday. “When someone dies unexpectedly, that hole doesn’t have soft edges and neatly hemmed openings. It’s a vicious, torn-open wound. The bigger the personality, the bigger the void. Particularly for someone…
small town roughs
We had just finished setting up our tent in among the buildings, although the buildings were in the wrong configuration. It was a farm I’d never been to before, in the disguise of one that, were I a bitter, unforgiving soul, I would charge with having taken too many lives. A couple of fox kittens…
Without You
I can’t stop thinking about you. It’s strange, and I don’t believe you’re gone. I never thought of picturing a world without you in it. I don’t want to picture that world now. I wonder if she mourned you or whether your death came as a relief. Whether she stood in the living room with…
Red Door
I know it’s trite and overdone, but this is pretty much how things are going today: