Category: Canadian Politics
What’s a little child labour among friends?
Local businesses: “we can’t find employees!” Chamber of Commerce: “how ’bout child labour?” L.Bs: “Do we have to pay, like, benefits and shit?” CoC: “Not if you only give them like 10 hours a week!” L.Bs: “We can hire SIX part time kids who don’t even NEED benefits!?” CoC: “It’s foolproof!” The Saskatchewan Chamber of…
Separate and Distinct?
The Premier of this province has been bumbling around, talking about how his party wants to create a distinct “nation within a nation” in Saskatchewan, and that they want to somehow create a more autonomous province. There’s media out there today about how a good chunk of folks who live in Saskatchewan think that’s a…
Much Ado
There’s little doubt that cannabis and cannabinoids (not an alien race of green-skinned interstellar travellers, but the compounds that comprise the active ingredients in cannabis, like THC (which makes you loopy) and CBD (which does not)) will be big business in the coming years, although it’s uncertain whether legal weed will be the revenue-generating panacea…
Keep ’em separated
Recently the Government of Canada included on its summer student funding program a check box that asks whether the business (non-profit/agency/charity/etc.) applying for federal tax funding complies with Canadian law. Normally, that’s not a problem. Normally, if you apply for federal funding, you’re all, hells yes we comply with federal laws. It’s exceedingly rare for…