Category: Books
Who puts the ‘D’ in….”Dystopia”?
Okay first, right off the hop, let me just say that yes, like a twelve-year-old, I have been snickering at the question “who puts the ‘D’ in ‘Dystopia’”. Dystopian fiction used to be among my favourite genres …styles… of fiction. I still do love me a well-crafted dystopian tale, but lately I’ve been approaching this…
Burn Blog Tour – Saying Goodbye
I’ve been putting this off for as long as I can. I’m not…good…with goodbyes. I’m a ghoster; a master of what in my family was called “the Irish farewell”, which was to simply leave the room innocuously when nobody was looking, so as to leave without making a huge deal of leaving. It bothers the…
Hold my beer and read this
I was supposed to be making Easter dinner. I was supposed to be cleaning the house and preparing for houseguests and being a good host. Then I picked up this book. I rescheduled pretty much everything, because there was, simply, no way in hell I was going to stop reading for something as silly as…
Shimmer: a blog tour
There’s about to be a second war on earth for the kingdom of heaven, and Gaby and her brother are the only ones who can prevent it. Or else they’re the ones who tried to start it. Things are a little confusing since it’s only been a week or so since Gaby found out she…
Money for Nothing
Copyright is, at its simplest form, the method by which creators are paid for their work. It is a registration of an intellectual property (IP). It says “the creator has the right to charge, or not to charge, money for you to use this”. It’s not a form of censorship (and no court would rightfully…