What can you do with a brat like that always on your back?

I’ve lived with addicts. At least twice in my life, I’ve lived with addicts.

I won’t do it again.

It broke me.

Because it never matters how much you love an addict, they can’t love you back.

It never matters how much I love you.






4 responses to “What can you do with a brat like that always on your back?”

  1. Hali Doula Avatar
    Hali Doula

    Testify sista friend

  2. turk182 Avatar

    heh u tougher than that

  3. Der Kaptin Avatar
    Der Kaptin

    You never mentioned what the addiction was to — past or present. Sadly, even if is addicted to YOU, they can’t love you. Pop music doesn’t get this.

  4. Der Kaptin Avatar
    Der Kaptin

    So when you put chevrons around something, it doesn’t show up. I forgot. That’s supposed to say “even if — someone — is addicted to YOU”

i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.

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