Go and read this article from CBC about a house fire that was started purposely.
Sad, house fires. Dangerous. People die. I draw your attention to the following quote from that article:
“And my cousin’s like, ‘my house is on fire,’ and I asked her what happened, and she said there was a spider on her bed and she lit it on fire.”
“My cousin’s like, ‘my house is on fire’…and she said there was a spider on her bed and she lit it on fire.”
I’d have been all, “Dude, you lit your house on fire.”
And she’d be all, “There was a spider.”
And I’d be all, “The clowns made you do it, didn’t they?”
And she’d be all, “Huh?”
And I’d be all, “The clowns. They made you think there was a spider on your bed.”
And she’d be all, “clowns?”
And I’d be all, “yeah. You know. The clowns that fold themselves out of the shadows behind your door and chitter their teeth at you, putting thoughts in your head, like ‘little girl. Kill that spider. With fire. Find the matches. Spray it with hairspray. Light it. Light it. Light it!’, and what could you do?”
And she’d be all, “Um,”
And I’d be all, “It’s okay. Fear of Clowns is a valid legal defense.”
And she’d be all, “Get out of my house.”
And I’d be all, “you mean your rubble and ashes?”
And she’d be all, “just. Get out.”
And I’d be all, “Okay, but just remember: you can’t kill clowns.”
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/manitoba/story/2010/03/21/man-fire-point-douglas.html#ixzz0iqrvEYQS
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.