Tag: Friends

  • Remembery


    Do you remember the time you took me with you to your sister’s wedding? It was in small town somewhere and I was jonesing for a cig but no place was open and not even the bar was holding. I think I opted to spend the service itself in the tub in our weird motel…

  • A letter

    I wanted to write to you, to tell you that I’m trying really hard to be positive right now. That I’m trying really hard to think about the things that can go right instead of the things that have gone wrong. I wanted to write and tell you about my friend who’s had his heart…

  • Rockulation

    I don’t think I can properly express how thankful I am for the people I have the good fortune to have crossed paths with. Hopefully, you know who you are. Whatever else gets thrown at me, know that I am thankful for you.