Tag: button theory
His Nibs and I went to a Store yesterday for the purpose of purchasing a Bed. “Dear God, cenobyte,” you are thinking, “have you no BED!? How can you *live* like that?” Rest assured, gentle reader, I have a bed. It is a fine bed. A noble bed. A warm and inviting bed. However, His…
Bad Things, Good People
You want to know why Bad Things Happen to Good People? Because shit happens, that’s why. Because nothing is certain. Because people are animals. They are unpredictable, and are often cruel to one another. Because animals are territorial and aggressive. Because we do self-destructive things. Because our genes are just wonky. Because we’re selfish and…
Phantom Phixit
Often times, when Folks come over, we retire after the childrens are in bed, to the Loft. If you haven’t been to Chez Relaxo (shame on you), the Loft is above the detached garage. Last night, Dionysus and I retired to the Loft to discuss things about which we were becoming Very Excited (more on…
Bull sharks would be way more badass if they were bull heads on shark bodies. Or shark heads on bull bodies.
But they’re not. They’re just regular, run-of-the-mill sharks who’ve developed the ability to live in fresh water. Which is totally not so effed up as to be mildly panic-inducing. If you’re the sort of person who’s afraid of sharks. Which I’m not. Because around here, the freshwater freezes, and I’m pretty bloody sure *no sharks*…
Did you know that some people pay shady ladies and gentlemen good money to feel like this. Isn’t that amazing? Some people WANT to feel fuzzy, unfocused, slightly giddy, and off-balance. Have I got a deal for you. Come on over to the house and I will lick your tongue. Then you will be all…
We’re totally going
Okay, so I’ve never really travelled to “typical vacation spots” and been able to play LARP, but this time was *totally* different. I don’t even know how all the coolest folks in the universe got there, but the sun had set over the warm Pacific waters, and no oil was washing up on the beaches…