“Wouldn’t it be cool,” The Captain said just now, before going to school for his last day of fifth grade,”if we could cross-breed insects and arthropods and then control them? Then we could cross a tick with a mosquito with an Alaskan King Crab and have this crazy huge armoured flying thing with enormous pincers and eye-stalks with compound eyes on them. And if we controlled them, we’d win ALL the wars, because if you see that coming at you through the sky, what’re you going to do? Seriously, what would you do if you saw that coming at you out of the sky?”
And this, dear reader, is why it’s important to stay in school. Because damnit if that kid isn’t right. What the hell *would* you do if you saw an armour-plated, bloodsucking….thing with huge pincers flying at you in swarms of millions or more? It’s a new kind of biological warfare.
I…I think I’ve raised a certified Evil Genius. I’m so proud!
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.