Yes. you read that right. Natural disasters are Bad Things. This is a well-known fact. They would not be called “Disasters” (natural or otherwise) if they were Good Things. But, and this may make me an Outcast in your books, I do not want to hear about Haiti.
Haiti has been in need of assistance for DECADES. It’s been one of the poorest countries in the world for many, many, ma-hany years. And nobody cared about the poor people dying then. Nobody cared about the HIV/AIDS epidemic then. Nobody spent bandwidth from Twitter and Facebook sending $10 per text message to the little bloated-stomach children eating banana leaves then. But NOW. Now you can’t *not* hear about it on the news. So, what, it takes thousands of people dying at once (versus thousands of people dying over the past ten years) for anyone to pay attention to people in need?
Sure, I’m unfeeling about this (I’m not *really*; I’m just mad about the way this stuff “affects” people). And I apologise if I’ve offended your sense of propriety. Dear GOD, how can anyone speak out against disaster relief?
*I* don’t care where you donate your money. I’m glad there is something in the world greater than we are, which we can latch on to in support. There are *many* things in the world greater than we are, which we can latch on to in support. And I’m glad folks care about helping people. All this good mojo and good karma has to rebigulate stuff.
But. It’s just that…[clicking tongue] I don’t know, really.
And hearing that wassisname said the reason the earthquake happened at all was because the Haitan people “were under the heel of the French, you know Napoleon the third and whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said ‘We will serve you if you will get us free from the prince.’ True story. And so the devil said, ‘Ok it’s a deal.’ And they kicked the French out. The Haitians revolted and got something themselves free. But ever since they have been cursed by one thing after another.”
True story.
Napoleon the Third and whatever.
So. I’m just…pissy. That it took a freaking earthquake for people to understand what living in poverty really means. It means overcrowding and unsafe living conditions and terrible infrastructure and famine and disease and MASSIVE numbers of bodies lying in the streets when Something Bad happens.
Don’t not donate your money and time and prayers and effort to helping people. Just…think. About *why* things are the way they are (and I’m pretty sure that hundreds of thousands of people in Haiti aren’t dying because they made a pact to the devil, Napoleon the third “and whatever” notwithstanding.
THAT is the problem I’m having with the way this thing is being reported…the way many things are being reported. There’s no context. And for people who are Not Inclined to go FIND the context, they’re coming away from this with a skewed (and most likely incorrect) view of the Way Things Really Are. That bothers me.
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.