It’s my nature

Do you ever feel the need to just get the hell away from everyone? To strike out on your own and do your own thing without needing to worry about what you might be doing wrong or who you’re pissing off?

I’m fairly certain the problem is me.






10 responses to “It’s my nature”

  1. Jim Avatar

    At least once a day, depending on the day.

  2. Stephanie Avatar

    All the time, especially when I feel like I am in a rut or things just aren’t going the way I think they should.

    Sounds like life is kicking you in the pants a lot lately. Perhaps some time away from your normal everyday routine might help? Aren’t you on vacation right now, is that not helping?

    1. cenobyte Avatar

      Strangely enough, I think getting back to my normal routine might help…

  3. rilla Avatar

    The more time I spend with people, the more I want to do this. I usually solve this by slacking off completely on a day when I have the house to myself… which I imagine would get a lot harder when you never have the house to yourself.

  4. the_iron_troll Avatar

    Introverted Ceno is introverted. We can be in a club!

    PS: The club will never, ever actually meet.

    1. cenobyte Avatar

      I second the motion to establish a club that never, ever meets.

    2. turk182 Avatar

      respect your elders

  5. AJ Avatar

    I binge and purge on socialising. My periods alone are always longer than those where I am actively interacting with people. The problem isn’t always me; sometimes the problem is that people are stupid and demanding. I’m glad that my friends don’t push when the masses throw me into a reclusive phase.

  6. melistress Avatar

    Pretty sure everyone feels that way.

  7. A Strange Boy Avatar

    I usually have that feeling every so often.

i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.

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