**cenobyte hereby warns you that what follows will most likely contain offensive language**
What the fuck is wrong with being anti-war? Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with it? What is *wrong* with thinking it is WRONG to hurt one another, and to kill each other? What person in their RIGHT MIND goes around thinking “killing other humans is a Good Thing! Shooting people is awesome! We need more land mines!”
Don’t even start telling me about why war is necessary. Just fucking don’t. Because it isn’t. Do you know what’s necessary? Food. Shelter. That’s about it. Everything else is icing on the bloody cake.
How the hell shooting someone in the face makes this world a safer place for me or for my children is absolutely bloody lost on me.
You can go ahead and trot out your “threatening your family” and “way of life” and all that bullshit. Go ahead. And don’t be afraid to pull out all the stops. I’m willing to listen to you talk about how the towel-heads are jihadists who only want to kill Christians because all they learn is hate, those ‘moose-limbs’ and the terrorists and the Eye-rack-eez and how each and every mother’s son of them is a white-person, Christian-hating threat to me personally. What the hell is *wrong* with you? You’ve got it all backwards.
I can hate war AND support our military who fight for things like the rights of women and children to get an education, or the rights of people to democratic elections, or the rights of people NOT TO BE SHOT BY OTHER PEOPLE. It’s kind of like how I can hate the stupid arguments you come up with about how war is necessary, but I can still love you and want to hang out with you. Just because you’re wrong doesn’t mean I get to beat you or shoot you or put a land mine in your shower.
Don’t even try to tell me that I have no respect for the thousands of men, women, and children who died fighting for this country and for our way of life. First, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about if that is the only argument you can come up with about why war is good. Or acceptable. Because if that’s the only argument you have, then you have it completely backwards. Do you think those boys WANTED to die? Do you think they WANTED to shoot someone who looked just like them, who was just as scared as they were? Do you think they understood that the people giving the commands were sitting in relative safety in some bunker far away from the front lines? Do you think they thought that war was a GOOD THING? That they thought it was NECESSARY? Do you think any of the 160,000+ boys and men (and the 60+ women) who were killed in the first world war stopped on the battlefield and thought, “you know what? I am making a sacrifice here. I am going to SAVE THE WORLD”? Or do you think they thought “what the hell am I doing here”?
Which do you think is uttered more by a dying person who’s just been shot or blown up or burned in battle? “Why?” or “war is awesome!”
So fuck you. I can totally support the Canadian soldiers who are stationed all over the world fighting for what is good and what is right and what we as Canadians take for granted every day. And I can support those soldiers and STILL KNOW THAT WAR IS WRONG. Morally, ethically, absolutely wrong.
**It is wrong to kill people.**
I don’t say that because I’m Christian, or because I’m a woman, or because I’m a hippie, or because I’m a socialist, or because I bought avocados yesterday. I say that because, and try to follow me here, it’s the truth. There may be no other truth in the entire universe that is this absolutely, universally …well… true.
Now, I challenge you to make an argument about why peace is wrong. Not about how “it’s not going to work”, and not about how “well, there’s a long road to go before we ever get there”, because you know what? WE HAVE NEVER FUCKING TRIED IT. NEVER. We have never, ever tried *not to fight*. So go ahead. Tell me why peace is wrong. I’ll wait.
And while I’m waiting, I’m going to remember the sacrifices that people have made in the name of this country and in the name of our way of life and I am going to be deeply grateful and profoundly sad and miserable that they had to do that at all. I am going to say “thank you”, and I am going to say “I’m sorry”. I am going to think of all the boys who lost their big brothers, and of all of the mothers who have lost their daughters and sons, and of all of the fathers who will never be able to watch the game with their sons again, and all because their children were daft enough or brave enough or both to fight for what they know is right.
I might wear a poppy, because even though I don’t believe in wearing a red shirt in support of people who’ve been killed by spaceships or wearing purple shirts in support of something I support anyway or wearing a rubber bracelet in support of not being in support of pick-your-cancer, I remember. I remember, and I grieve.
Because it is not enough just to remember. Remembering without context is useless. Remember and feel. Remember and grieve. Remember and be HORRIFIED at what these people have agreed to do, and are agreeing to do, because they are willing to try to make the world a better place. And while they are doing that, and while I am proud of them for making those choices, I may choose to wear a white poppy too, because I DO believe in peace. I DO believe that peace is possible. I DO believe that peace is better than war.
And no, I don’t have the answers. I don’t know how to make people who hate you stop hating you. I do know that saying you want to punch hippies in the face for wearing white poppies lands you squarely in the “you’re part of the problem, and not part of the solution” place. I don’t know how to stop people from hurting and killing one another. And it bugs the shit out of me that I don’t. I don’t know why someone else’s life is not worth less than or more than mine. I don’t know any of those things.
I’m still waiting for you to tell me why promoting peace is wrong.
If you want to come up and punch me in the face for wearing a white poppy, you go right ahead. You’ll be a stupid cunt for doing it, but if that’s what’s going to make you feel better about someone choosing to remember the sacrifices people have made for us while still believing in peace, then you just go ahead and do that. But don’t get mad at me when I start laughing uncontrollably because you just don’t bloody get it.
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.