- Sharpened pencils, and the dusty, scratchy sound they make on paper when I’m
- drawing something.
- The sound certain words make and how
- the sound certain words make are different in your head than from your mouth.
- Singing silly songs I just made up on the spot about making elephant noises.
GiST #14/365
3 responses to “GiST #14/365”
I have several fountain pens, none so expensive tho. >>I do caligraphy, it’s the only ‘art’ I do and of course it’s related to writing, go fig. >>Althought I consider my writing art too so. :)
I dig fountain pens. >I bought a German-made fountain pen for FIFTY BUCKS not long ago. It’s my favourite.
I love pens, especially the feeling of the pens I buy now, the Uniball 207. It’s so comfy, and then wonderful smooth rolling gel ink on test booklets as I write finals makes me all giddy.
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.