Category: Style

  • Storytelling Month – A Bigger Man

    Why International White Trash Week only lasts one night.

  • Drunlsweet

    Yesterday morning, I had a PROCEDURE done. A medical PROCEDURE. The doctor came in to talk to me, asked what the problem is, and I told him. He asked, “do you drink?” I said, “Not really.” He said, “Why not?” And I thought that was odd. I mean, I do have a drink now and…

  • In the dark of the night

    I have slipped away from you. I crept out of bed, kissing you lightly on the cheek, then tiptoed from the room. Actually, I didn’t tiptoe; I walk softer on the outside soles of my feet. Softly down the stairs, so quietly not even the cat opened an eye. I made a sandwich and poured…

  • Style Advice

    Ladies, let’s sit and have a little chat, shall we? Some of you need an intervention. Some of you needed an intervention when you were still under the age of ten. I’m sure some of you won’t pay attention to this intervention, but really, trust me: it’s for your own good, and for the good…