Here is the preamble: people are, in general, awesome. Most people in the world are lovley, caring, giving humans. They want to share; they want to help. We’re conditioned to look for the bad bits, but if you switch that over to ‘look for the good bits’, your whole world can change. It sounds trite, I suppose. But I think it makes a difference. When you find yourself mentioning negatives, make a conscious effort to find positives. It changes entire conversations.
I should note that the preamble has very little to do with the actual question.
The question is this:
Do you think we must experience something before we are “able to” comment about it or form an opinion about it.
As an example, I often hear men say: “I will never be faced with the decision to abort a foetus, so I don’t feel like I get to have a say in the abortion debate.” (I think that’s Bee Ess, but it’s something I hear quite frequently.)
I sometimes hear people say things along the lines of “that doesn’t apply to me, therefore I can not (or do not) have an opinion about it.”
I’m not talking about abortion specifically. I’m asking if you think you must have first-hand, direct experience with something before you are “allowed” (for lack of a better term) to have an opinion about it?
i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.