A Conversation with His Nibs

His Nibs: “Ummmm. Why is there a handful of blue nitrite surgical gloves in the pocket of your pants?”

me: “I have no idea, but was wondering where they went.”

His Nibs: “…”

me: “It seemed like a Good Idea when I was high on morphine, to grab a bunch of gloves from the hospital.”

His Nibs: “…”

me: “You know…Just In Case.”

His Nibs: “Huh.”

me: “What can I say? I was *really* high.”

His Nibs: “Evidently.”






5 responses to “A Conversation with His Nibs”

    1. cenobyte Avatar

      It’s like we’re the SAME PERSON!

  1. urquhart (@urquhart) Avatar

    You can probably get suggestions for their use on the internet.

    1. cenobyte Avatar


      Is a brilliant plan.

  2. Coyote Avatar

    I can think of no combination of ceno, His Nibs, and blue surgical gloves that doesn’t end in tears and hilarity. Take pictures!

i make squee noises when you tell me stuff.

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